Restore Your Power to Succeed

Restoration Business Mergers and Framing Your Power to Succeed (Interview with Jason Jarvis) - Part 2

Rachel Stewart Episode 7

The tables are turned in this week's episode of Restore Your Power to Succeed. Rachel Stewart becomes the interviewee in her conversation with Jason Jarvis, President of Slate Restoration based in Mesa, Arizona.

Rachel and Jason recount an experience where Titan Restoration considered a merger with Slate Restoration. They review, from experience, the operational and strategic benefits of such an opportunity, understanding business and employee fit, the importance of employees fulfilling their purpose, and the unexpected direction of the conversations. Rachel focuses on the interview process and how her team considered the opportunity of a business acquisition though the perspectives of both parties.

This episode provides additional insight into the merger or acquisition process of a restoration business, and is a must-listen if you have considered or will consider such a business opportunity for your own restoration company.

Listen to Part 1 of this episode here:


Jason Jarvis, President - Slate Restoration

Howard Shore - Activate Group

Written by Geoff Smart and Randy Street

Xcelerate Restoration Software - Restore Your Power to Succeed in Business. 

Restore Your Power to Succeed is a podcast to help restoration professionals succeed both personally and in business. This podcast is dedicated to teaching what top-performers in the restoration industry has learned. From leadership, personal growth, and managing and growing teams, to addressing industry-specific pain points, this podcast is for everyone who has a desire to grow.